Creating Family For Life

The JOB LIFE House is unlike other reentry programs. Specifically designed for men who have served long term prison sentences, the men must exhibit rehabilitation and faith in Christ while incarcerated. They must be mentored by our team before release.
Once released, men move into the home and begin the program. It is a 3 phase program that utilizes staff and volunteers to provide an individualized, goal orientated focus for each man while on parole. They attain basic documentations and foundations for independent living. They are connected to a network of individuals and programs crucial to their ability to learn, accomplish, and maintain healthy living. Once foundations are in place, the men focus on work and financial stability. When established and secure, they graduate the program.
Acceptance into our program invites them to join our "family." We offer support and services for as long as the individual wants help. This means that after graduating, the men still participate in counseling, job training and career development, and educational opportunities. JOB is committed to helping maintain long term success.
What is most amazing is that our graduates continue to volunteer with JOB. They mentor the new men in the program, help with events, volunteer with LIFE Coach programs, and in some cases work as staff. We consider this a measure of success for our program.
For more information on the LIFE House or for an application, please send us an email.